7 important reasons to raise your consciousness

It´s pretty evident that all sorts of things are changing on our planet. Not just at a macro level. Nowadays, more and more people are engaged in processes related to self-development and awareness. That probably applies to you as well if you´re reading this! In doing so, you´ll notice that, along the way, you´re gradually getting closer to yourself. That is: to your true  self, to who you really  are .... so that eventually you can live more and more from that state of being. That in itself is reason enough to put 'consciousness' on the agenda! But why (else) is this such an important topic? And why would you want to raise your own consciousness at all? In this blog I´ll give you 7 reasons.

Blind spots

First, you can only change the things you´re aware of. Simple, but oh so true. Just think about the concept of ´blind spots´ .... we all have them, but we can´t see our own blind spots and so we´re not aware of them. And what you´re not aware of is not only beyond your own sphere of influence, it tends to influence YOU! So it all starts with awareness. That is the first step towards change.

Consciousness itself is the key

Your consciousness itself is key and the  key to transformation and liberation. I could devote a whole other blog (series) to this, but for now I will stick to the following important point. Raising your consciousness enables you to actually transform and dissolve your own ´shit´ - no matter what that shit looks like. In fact, this is a crucial prerequisite! Can you imagine how you would gain in freedom by doing so?? What would it be like to finally be able to let go of that which has been holding you back and that you´ve been struggling with for so long?

A frequency upgrade

Everything is energy, with a certain vibrational frequency. That also pertains to you as a human being. When you raise your consciousness you start vibrating at a higher frequency, and that makes you feel much lighter, freer and happier! :-) Who wouldn't want that? In contrast, lower states of consciousness - including those of fear, guilt and shame, for example - feel heavy and unpleasant.



Autopilot off

The more aware you become, the more you come out of ´hibernation´. The autopilot - which we humans usually live on - is turned off. You develop more and more self-leadership, instead of being  led - whether by other people, by circumstances or by internal dynamics such as your own thoughts and emotions. In this way you can both consciously and  actively steer your life and happiness!

Breaking free from limitations

Another nice consequence of increasing awareness is that you become more and more detached from the limitations (and therefore suffering) of your human self. I already touched upon this in point 2. As a result, your freedom of choice and range of action increase. You can tap into new, magical possibilities for your life that until then were out of reach! :-) So your playing field can suddenly look very different!

Exit negativity, enter truth

Not only will you start looking at yourself differently (i.e.: a lot more positive!), but also at other people, not to mention life itself. There´s less room for negativity, in all its forms, and it has less of a grip on you. You´ll also find it easier to pierce through untruths, illusions and bullshit, whether these are the stories of your own ego or those of other people. You start to see things more and more as they are. In other words, you get in touch with (your) truth. And that is one of the highest states of consciousness!

The collective consciousness

Finally, besides your individual consciousness, there is also such a thing as a collective consciousness, which we are all part of and connected with. This means that by developing your own consciousness and healing things within yourself, in the end the collective benefits as well! And there´s another aspect involved here. The (new) energy that you send out can in turn inspire other people and/or help them along, creating a ripple effect. So in the end, we really do all benefit from each other´s best versions! :-)


Published on: May 27, 2021 - © Luminessenz


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