A new definition of success

The effect of our achievement society

What do ´success´ and ´being successful´ really mean? In this extraordinary new era, I feel we need a new definition of these terms. One that isn´t so much about what you do and have, but about who you are and how you live. I still see far too often that success is being equated with external feats and accomplishments, such as a climb up the career ladder, your market share as a company/entrepreneur, a well-filled bank account or other possessions. Which in itself is not surprising, as we happen to live in an ´achievement society´. From an early age we are drilled to achieve (good) results, at school for example, which comes with a value judgment in the form of a mark. Unfortunately this makes us forget that we are already good enough the way we are and that we don't have to achieve anything first in order to feel good (about our lives and ourselves)!

What success actually depends on

I wonder what it would be like if we were to use a different definition of success .... one that deals more with the inside  instead of the outside. One that appeals to the true source of joy and fulfillment, to our soul essence. In which your success - and everyone else's - depends much more on these kinds of questions:

  • Am I living consciously?
  • Am I being true to myself?
  • Do I dare to show myself as I really am?
  • Am I working on my soul desires, my dreams, my mission?
  • Do I stand for my own  inner truth?
  • Am I doing what makes me happy, what opens my heart every day?
  • How much joy and (self) love do I experience in my life?
  • How (good) do I feel from day to day?
  • What difference am I making to other people?
  • Am I giving the best of myself?
  • Am I using my full potential, my unique talents?
  • Am I taking full responsibility for my own life and well-being? 
  • Do I have the courage to solve my own ´shit´ and face my fears?
  • Etc... I think you get my drift! ;-)



The hamster wheel

It is important to be aware of what success means to you personally. But if you want to experience lasting fulfillment, it is even more important to realize that a successful life ultimately has little to do with whatever you accomplish in the outside world. That doesn´t mean that your achievements and creations are not valuable .... on the contrary, you should enjoy them to the fullest! Nothing wrong with that at all. As long as you don't make yourself dependent  on external results in any way. Because that is a perfect recipe for (permanent) feelings of unrest and dissatisfaction. Not only because you won't find it in those things, but also because there is always going to be a next goal to achieve .... This way it´s easy to end up in a hamster wheel, making what you´re looking for remain out of reach.

Time for a change, I say! What would you like to include in your  (new) definition of success?  Let me know, I am curious!


Publsihed on: November 24, 2020 - © Luminessenz


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